Brewery Tours!
Have you just recently joined as a new member? If so then you are entitled to two member tours per membership! Make sure you book them now!
We now have special member tours for all new members. They run once a month (or thereabouts) and are specially aimed at those of you who have agreed to become a member and support your local brewery. The best news is that you of course get some free beer - a complimentary half pint at the Tap Room when you arrive on the night to start it off in sty!e! The tour will be hosted by one of the Brewery directors, John or Ray, and will give you a really good understanding of the Mill, its history and what goes on. You will also get a look around the brewery to get a feel for our five brewer's barrel plant and where all our award-winning beer is brewed.
The whole tour lasts around an hour and the majority of it will be spent on your feet, and across the ground, first and second floor of the building. We do have a lift should it be needed.
Just take a look at our Member Events link and select the date of your choice. No password needed - it's free!