I may have the solution...read on!
Out of the box solution designed by me. I'll customise it to your business & brands
It's a website & ecommerce solution rolled into one. Easy to use, ready for your business!
Created for the craft brewing industry by someone with 20+ years experience in the business
Low cost, high potential return, with flexible payment options available. See below.
The Crafty Beer Brewery is my dummy brewery template that I have created to showcase my craft brewery solution. Contact me for a full demo or take it for a test drive.
GIVE ME A GUIDED DEMOTEST DRIVE THE CRAFTY BEER WEBSITEThis complete craft brewery ecommerce system represents fantastic value for brewery owners who are in need of this service. A fully brewery focused website and online system designed and built on the Shopify platform with everything included for less than £3k? Unbeatable value!
There are two options below. The value plan is designed to save you £500 if you pay upfront. The cashflow plan is designed for those who like to spread the payments over a 12 month period so that it fits in with their P&L. Either option represents a fabulous deal!
One off payment £2995
50% deposit & 50% on completion
£291.25 X 12 months
Total payable: £3495
£166.25 X 12 months
Total payable: £1995
Helpdesk support for any technical questions, advice, updates and fixes
All the bronze options
10 x blog/news posts month
10 x product updates month
All the bronze options
UNLIMITED blog/news posts
UNLIMITED product updates
It's been a while since I first cut my brewing industry teeth at Whitbread back in the 90's, followed by a long spell at Bass Brewers. There's been a lot of water under the bridge since then, but I realised my long term ambition of running my own brewery back in 2014. I loved every moment of being part of the team at Towcester Mill Brewery in South Northamptonshire, and I remain as a shareholder to this day.
Being an official Shopify Partner I now enjoy helping fellow craft brewers develop an affordable and all inclusive online commerce presence. If you think it would be useful to talk please contact me below.